Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sit-Ins/Protests/Boycotts/SNCC/Freedom Riders/MLK

Eyes on the Prize ~ Ain't Scared of Your Jails
1.) John Lewis said that during the sit-ins, the students were dressed like the were going to church.
2.) To support the students protesting, black merchants would provide food to those who went to jail. and homeowners would sell properties for bail money.
3.) In Nashville, in 1960, the negro buying power was estimated at 50 million dollars a year. They used their money to create change by not spending money downtown at the grocery stores which will make the stores lose profit and put pressure on the merchants and the mayor and the town of Nashville.
4.) The people boycotting would go downtown to convince blacks not to shop by snatching their bags and telling them to stay out of town.
5.) The "SNCC" was the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. Ella Baker gave them advice to stay independent of the adult organizations. She wanted the students to be in control.
6.) President Kennedy helped out the King's by calling the judge and telling him to let Martin Luther King Jr. out of jail. After this, black ministers were endorsing Kennedy through their polls. John Kennedy won the election.
7.) The Freedom Riders was an interracial group that rode through the south with whites in the back of the bus and blacks in the front. They would all refuse to move when ordered. They wanted to create a crisis among the racists so that the government would actually enforce federal laws.
8.) During a freedom ride to Birmingham, mobs firebombed the lead bus and blocked the exits.The second bus was attacked by a mob of clansmen.
9.) Dr. King and the First Baptist Church responded to the attacks by leading a rally in the church to support the Freedom Riders.
SNCC ~ Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

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